§ESS is now employed in top-grade measurement
systems, including Audio
Precision (TM), Rhode-Schwartz and Bruel & Kjaer’s DIRAC software
§However, these completely-packaged measurement
systems often do not
allow to play “tricks” and to adjust the signals for solving problems, which have been shown here
§Workarounds have been found for almost all the
problems occurring when
performing ESS measurements
§These workarounds are easily applied by working
with a general purpose
sound editor (Adobe Audition)
§A number of additional plugins have been
developed, making easy
to generate the
test signal, to deconvolve and process impulse responses, to compute inverse filters and to
perform advanced processing
(STI, AQT, etc.)
plugins are freely downlodable at the AURORA web site:
§ www.aurora-plugins.com
§The only remaining problems are related to
existing transducers (microphones
and loudspeakers), as their directivity is far from the theoretical one