Most of the acoustical measurements in
theatres, concert halls
and musical spaces are performed by using a single omnidirectionalpressure microphone.
Useful for
reverberation time and other monophonic parameters
NO information about the direction of
arrival of the sound
Most of the
acoustical measurements are performed by using a single omnidirectional
pressure microphone. An omni microphone is good for deriving from the Impulse
Response, the reverberation time and others monophonic parameters. But what
about the direction of provenience of the sound? What is causing a bad
reflection? So let’s have a look to the impulse Response: we have to
individuate the reflection, we have to calculate the distance between it and
the direct sound in terms of meters and then we have to imagine the source of
this reflection inside the room under test. Ok, it works, but in some cases
it’s a matter of “intuition”